Host Town Halls + All-Hands

Build something great together

Help employees feel a part of something bigger than their screen. Use Dive to transform your town halls and all-hands into meetings full of energy and enthusiasm.

Meeting Session in Dive App

Town Halls

No more long monologues. Deliver your message more effectively with Dive’s kit of engagement tools:

  • Kick things off with a high-energy welcome and an opening song via YouTube
  • Let the lead speaker “take the stage” in our virtual auditorium
  • Post the agenda publicly for everyone to follow along
  • Take the team’s pulse on key issues using Polls
  • Gather around the Whiteboard for notetaking, brainstorming, and feedback sessions
  • End things on a high-note with a quick activity
TownHall Icons


Create a productive space that empowers your employees and gives them a seat at the table:

  • Auto-schedule regular sessions to keep everyone engaged
  • Use Polls to reach a quick consensus on action items
  • Post an Announcement to highlight important updates
  • Break out into smaller groups for even higher engagement levels
Dive Rooms

Dive puts a people-first culture at your fingertips.

That way, you can focus on the health of your company and the well-being of your team.