Dive LogomarkZoom Logo

As easy as click, click, Zoom

All it takes is 30 seconds to elevate everything from daily chats to town halls, with games, activities, and customisable templates all at your fingertips.

Interface showing Dive Zoom Integration

Goodbye, boredom.  Hello, stardom!

Turn your everyday meetings into memorable sessions. With Dive, you're one click away from games and activities that will give your team a much-needed boost.

Interface showing Apps in Zoom Dive Integration

Rituals to keep you on a roll

Dive for Zoom makes it easier than ever to prioritise your remote team. Schedule regular meet-ups and hosted events to keep people engaged and in contact throughout the week.

Interface showing Rituals in Zoom Dive Integration

Boost engagement in every meeting

Whether you're hoping for more natural conversations or a little friendly competition (hello, Dive leaderboard!), Dive is built to enhance your daily Zoom experience.

Interface showing Question Cards in Zoom Dive Integration

Thinking outside the Zoom box

Dive will have you rethinking what's possible on a Zoom call. Meetings are much less square when games like Poker, Psych!, and Truth or Dare are added to the mix.

Teams showed 90% more engagement using Dive than on a standard Zoom call.